Some folk say the world will end in ice, some - that fire will scorch all. Others heed to the old prophecies, predicting the darkness to be the end of everything. Once in a century, the sunlight fades as shadows grow and encroach on the world of the living. Corrupting, twisting, driving minds mad. Yet, in a world teeming with curses and afflictions, there are pristine places untouched by evil and heroes carving their way through the darkness.
Curse of the Black Sun is the latest card expansion for GWENT: The Witcher Card Game, containing 27 cards. It will be released on July 5th on all supported platforms.
Take advantage of this time-limited offer to get all cards from the Black Sun expansion in their premium form. In addition to the cards, you will also get the new “Sands of Time” game board to deploy your newly acquired reinforcements on. You can go straight to the deck builder and craft these cards or get the dedicated pack:
GWENT: Black Sun consists of 27 cards, four cards per faction plus Neutrals.
Scenario: Progress whenever you play a unit with Harmony.
Prologue: Spawn Lake Guardian: Dawn Aspect on this row and set its power to the number of Scoia'tael units with unique primary categories in your starting deck.
Chapter 1: Whenever you play a Scoia'tael unit, boost it by 1 for every category it has.
Chapter 2: Spawn and play Loc Feainn: Convergence.
Create a bronze Scoia'tael unit with a primary category that you don't control.
This unit's Harmony is also triggered in hand and deck.
Order: Infuse an allied unit with "Harmony".
Deploy: Infuse self with a random Scoia'tael primary category that you don't control.
Order: Replay self, then reduce own base power by 1.
Scenario: Progress whenever you play a Pirate.
Prologue: Spawn Bjorn's Drakkar on this row.
Chapter 1: Whenever your opponent plays a unit, Infuse it with "Deathwish: SpawnCataclysm for 1 turn on this row".
Chapter 2: Purify and Heal an allied Bjorn's Drakkar, increase its base power by 5 and give it 1 Charge.
If you don't control Bjorn's Drakkar, Spawn it on this row instead.
Order: Damage an enemy unit by 1 and Infuse it with "Whenever this unit takes damage from other abilities, damage self by the same amount".
Charges: 1
Deploy: Clash with an enemy unit.
Order, Bloodthirst 2: Discard a card, then move self back to your hand.
Deploy: Infuse an enemy unit with "Deathwish: SpawnCataclysm on this row for 2 turns.", then SpawnCataclysm on its row for 1 turn.
Deploy: Damage 3 units by 1, then Spawn a Seagull in your graveyard for each target that is damaged.
When an enemy unit is destroyed, Summon self from your graveyard to your Ranged row, then gain Doomed.
Scenario: Progress whenever you play a Tidecloak.
Prologue: Spawn Gudrun Bjornsdottir on this row.
Chapter 1: Hoard 8: At the end of your turn, gain enough Coins to fill your pouch.
Chapter 2: Damage the highest-power enemy unit by the number of Coins you have.
Hoard 9, Fee 3: Infuse an enemy unit with "Whenever your opponent gains Coins, damage self by 1".
Deploy: Spawn 3 base copies of self on this row. Reduce the number of copies by 1 for every Counter.
Your Hoards require 1 less Coins to trigger.
Hoard 9: Once per round, at the end of your turn, while in hand or deck, remove a Counter.
Counter: 3
Profit 3.
Hoard 7, Fee 3: Infuse an allied unit with "At the end of your turn, gain 1 Coin".
Timer 3: Gain 6 Coins.
Scenario: Progress whenever you play a unit with Thrive.
Prologue: Spawn Cursed Damsel on this row.
Chapter 1: Whenever you play a unit, if it would not trigger any of your Thrive units, boost it by 2 first.
Chapter 2: Play the highest-power bronze Monster unit from your deck.
At the start of the game, gain Immunity.
Deploy: Boost self by 0.
Order: Increase the boost value by 2, then replay self.
Units played on opponent's side can trigger your Thrive abilities.
Order: Halve own power and destroy an enemy unit with power up to the power removed from self.
Deploy (Melee): Consume an allied unit. This unit triggers Thrive an additional time.
Deploy (Ranged): Infuse 2 allied units with "Thrive".
Scenario: Progress whenever you play a Knight.
Prologue: Summon a bronze Knight from your deck to this row.
Chapter 1: Whenever an allied unit triggers Grace, boost its adjacent units by 2.
Chapter 2: Spawn and play Mad Charge.
Grace 8: Spawn Bronwen the Bold on the right.
Grace 14: Boost the allied Bronwen the Bold by 3.
Deathwish: Lock the allied Bronwen the Bold.
Grace 5, Order: Infuse an allied unit with "Whenever this unit receives a boost from other abilities, boost self by the same amount".
At the end of your turn, boost self by 1 for each adjacent boosted unit and damage self by 1 for each adjacent damaged unit.
Grace 9: Give adjacent units Shield, then Infuse them with "Whenever this unit loses Shield, boost it by 2".
Order: Boost the next unit you play by 2. If it is a Knight, also Infuse it with "At the end of your turn, boost self by 1".
Scenario: Progress whenever you play a gold Cultist.
Prologue: Spawn Eternal Eclipse Initiate on this row.
Chapter 1: Infuse all your non-Disloyal Cultists on the battlefield, in your hand and in your deck with "Whenever you play a Cultist, boost self by 1, then increase this value by 1 if it was a bronze".
Chapter 2: Spawn and play Eternal Eclipse Deacon.
At the start of the game, Infuse 2 random gold non-Cultist units in your starting deck with Cultist category and Infuse them with "After this card is played or Summoned, if you control 3 or more Cultists, damage the lowest-power Infused enemy unit by 3".
Deploy: Infuse a unit in your hand with the Cultist category.
Order: Infuse a unit in your deck with the Cultist category.
Order: Infuse a bronze enemy unit with "Whenever your opponent plays the Cultist, damage self by 1. Deathwish: Spawn a base copy of self on the opposite row, set its power to 1 and Infuse it with the Cultist category".
Deploy: If your starting deck has at least 25 units, Create a curse to replace your leader ability, then Create a blessing and Infuse your leader ability with it.
Zeal, Order: Infuse an enemy unit with "Whenever your opponent plays a card, damage self by 1".
Cooldown: 3
Whenever you play a Cursed card, reduce Cooldown by 1.
Deploy: If your starting deck has at least 25 units, Summon all copies of self from your deck to this row.
This card drop comes with new and exciting tools for players to utilize.
Status that adds effects or categories to a card. Removing the status also removes all added effects and categories.
Units simultaneously damage each other by their power.
The first time this unit's power is equal to or higher than the specified amount, trigger the ability. If the condition is already met when it enters the battlefield, trigger it immediately.