Our official forums got an overhaul!

The maintenance on our official forums is over and we’re excited to present to you a brand new design of the message board!

We believe that forums should be simple and efficient — that’s why we decided to focus on the essentials and switch to a minimalistic design. We also added a “Hot Topics” section that displays recent activity from the entire franchise board that you’re visiting. In addition, the “Community” section is shared between all boards, so now you can easily connect with your friends who frequent forums of different franchises.

That’s not all! We’re planning to introduce additional features in the future that will further enhance your experience on the forums.
Unfortunately, user avatars were lost during the maintenance, but you can easily set them back up by going over to your user profile, or by using this nifty shortcut.

See you on the forums and let us know how you feel about the new design in the comments!